Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tech article

Spotify wants to become the new Facebook. Spotify doesn't want to just be a music app.Wednesday they launched their idea.More apps are included for example read lyrics while listening to songs,A Billboard app turns the publisher's "top 100" charts into playlists and many more.Now they are partnering with Facebook .

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tech article November 18

PayPal launches Facebook app for Sending Money to Friends
Paypal has made a app for facebook users to send money to their friends.You have the choice to send an ecard with money or just money with no card. You select a card, choose a friend to send it to and then select how much money to send.It can be used to send family members that live far or birthdays ect. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

This class

This class is very entertaining.I like working on computers and you learn new things every Friday with tech articles.This class isn't boring like other classes we do something new everyday.In this class we make a blog and are going to become apart of other websites.Blogger is fun I can put anything on it that I like.I learn something new everyday in a non boring way.


Over my four day weekend I spent it with mostly my friends.Wednesday night my friends and I just hung out in front of the school and we also met up with some carlstadt friends.Overall that was a boring night.Then Thursday we did mostly the same thing. Friday me Alex Brianna and Katrina ate at emilos.Then went to gabby 's.Saturday night me Gabby and Brianna got ice cream at swirlz.And saw some people and hung out with them for a while and i got free garlic knots.Then i went to alexa's and then saw some other girls and hung out with them then went to Hasbrouck heights to hang out.Then Alexa and Colby slept over and that was my weekend.Overall my four day weekend was really boring.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011



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Monday, November 7, 2011